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Teachers Who Run The Extra Mile In More Ways Than One.

A few Saturdays ago, hundreds of participants gathered together for the Girls on the Run 5K. If you were there, you may have seen a few Hickory Hill Academy students running in the race! HHA partners with Girl's On The Run as a host site for the southwest side of Madison, and we love supporting our participating GOTR students from HHA as they develop and learn skills in confidence.

This particular 5k race was not an easy one. The day brought some tough winds and rain, but our students finished with big smiles on their faces. We couldn't help but notice that next to each one of our racers was a smiling cheerleader running right alongside them. Those cheerleaders were HHA teachers.

"I was blown away by the teachers who ran with the girls and the teachers who just showed up to cheer the girls on in really cruddy weather on a Saturday. The school community really showed up in a big way, and I think that's part of what makes HHA stand out!" - HHA parent

"Thank you to all of the teachers and staff who ran with the girls and showed up in the cold rain to the cheer them on!!! Amazing!" - HHA parent

If we flash back to a few weeks prior to the GOTR 5k, HHA held its own fun run called the Harry Hustle. From our youngest age group of 12 months to our oldest students of 6th grade, each class participated in the Harry Hustle with their teachers right alongside cheering them all the way past the finish line.

"The 2022 Harry Hustle was an awesome display of sure grit and determination from our student body along with an outpouring of support from our school wide community. From the faculty and staff at HHA to the numerous parents that showed up to watch and cheer on their students, Harry Hustle 2022 showed how much a community can come together and support one another. Furthermore, the fun run was enjoyed by students of all abilities and championed by classmates from other classes that took time out of their day to stick around after their runs or come early to be there for their peers. The Harry Hustle is just one of the many traditions at Hickory Hill Academy that will continue to contribute to its community. The hope is that as our student body grows, so will the community that lives at HHA and the surrounding area. Thanks to all who participated and attended the event!" - Mr. Clay

At the start of the 2022 - 2023 Academic School Year, our HHA Faculty Team read through "We're More" - the big "why we do what we do" for the school written by HHA president Matt Dahl. It was a humbling and powerful moment to read through "We're More" together to see how we could carry it out as a team throughout the upcoming year and also have reflection space to see how each one could personally carry this out in their classroom. Thank you to all of our faculty for embodying "We're More" and living it out day in and day out with the HHA community.


More than a lush school campus, we are a ‘home away from home.’ •

More than a talented faculty, we are a team inspired to impact lives.

• More than robust academics, we cultivate the full potential of the whole child.

• More than nurturing each individual child, we strive to support the entire community.

• More than creating good feelings, we promote flourishing lives.

If you are in the HHA Community and have been impacted in a positive way by one of the HHA Faculty, we'd love to hear it! Please click below on the one or all of the following links to leave a review!

To learn more about our school and the wonderful HHA community, please visit our website and click Inquire Now. We'd love to share more with you and hear what you are looking for in your child's education! For specific questions, please contact our Admissions Director, Amanda Bolan at


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