Colores y Figuras Geométricas (Colors and Geometric Figures):

Today Miss Silka is teaching you about colores y figuras geométricas (colors and geometric figures) in Spanish. Watch this video and then follow the next steps below.
Next Steps
Collect and gather toys, objects, pictures from magazines or flash cards (cards with words in English or other languages will work fine too).
Review the vocabulary for colors and shapes in Spanish while you play.
Send a picture or a video of yourself doing the activity to Maestra Silka at Maestra Silka -
Rojo [roh-hoh] = red
Amarillo [ah-mah-ree-yoh] = yellow
Verde [vehr-deh] = green
Azul [ah-sool] = blue
Negro [neh-groh] = black
Blanco [blahn-koh] = white
Marrón [mah-rohn] = brown
Morado [moh-rah-doh] = purple
Rosado [roh-sah-doh] = pink
Gris [grees] = gray
Anaranjado [ah-nah-rahn-ha-doh] = orange
Some colors have different names; a person might have learned a different way of saying a color, for example: café=brown; púrpura and violeta = purple; rosa=pink; naranja = orange.
Figuras Geométricas / Formas:
Círculo [seer-cuh-loh] = circle
Cuadrado [kuah-drah-doh] = square
Triángulo [tree-ahn-guh-loh] = triangle
Rectángulo [reck-tahn-guh-loh] = rectangle
Òvalo [oh-vah-loh] = oval
Corazón [koh-rah-son] = heart
Estrella [es-treh-yah] = star
Diamante [dee-ah-man-teh] = diamond
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