Today marks the fifth week of Kids Express Learning Center's Summer Camp, 'Summer on the Farm', after closing in March due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We are thankful for the large team of health experts, staff, and parents who helped us form a plan back in May as to how we could safely conduct our programs this summer and beyond.
We wanted to ensure we put in place the best practices possible to limit exposure if a confirmed case does occur. The goal was to keep the teachers and their students in each individual classroom from intermingling with others while on campus. Here are some of the ways we have implemented this since our reopening in June:
Masks: We encourage everyone over the age of two to wear a mask while on campus even during outside, drop-off and pick-up. Per Emergency Order #8 issued by Public Health Madison & Dane County on July 7, face coverings will be required of everyone five-years-old and up when in an enclosed space with anyone other than the people who live in their household. Special permissions to remove the covering inside are listed in the mandated order for things like, eating and drinking.
Daily Health Screenings: Each family is asked to answer a few simple questions on the well-being of each person in their household upon arrival. Their temperature is taken from a short distance and if everything goes well, the family is on their way to drop off.
Separate Classroom Entrances, Exits, and Bathrooms: Eliminating indoor shared spaces between classrooms is very important. We are fortunate that our campus classrooms were built with individual bathrooms and outdoor entrances and exits.
Outdoor Drop-offs and Pick-ups: Caregivers drop-off and pick-up their child outside of the classroom with their teacher to eliminate anyone outside of the classroom to be indoors.
Frequent Hand-Washing: All students and teachers wash their hands upon arrival in their classrooms and during activity transition times.
Frequent Sanitizing: Not only is the school cleaned each night, but high-touch surfaces are cleaned frequently during the day in each classroom and outdoor spaces.
Enrichment Classes: Depending on the weather, we have two options for our students to experience our enrichment specials. Weather permitting, our classes are conducted outside on our 10-acre campus for each individual class. If it's not possible to be outside, then the class is done inside their classroom with their classroom teachers assisting the specialist teacher who is presenting online.
We plan to continue these best practices in achieving the goal of minimal exposure this fall for our 2020-2021 Academic School Year, providing educational childcare for infants to two-year-olds and quality academic learning for preschool through 3rd grade students. Our school will continue to operate 5-days per week with on-site instruction. So far, everyone has smoothly transitioned to these new practices and we will continually evaluate our plans as new information develops. View our Reopening Information for more details.
If you are interested in enrolling your child for the 2020-2021 Academic School Year, click here to learn more about our programs or here to schedule a tour.