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Have you been contemplating enrolling your child in a preschool program, but you aren't sure if he or she is ready for that step? You will probably know when your child is ready to embark on this new experience if you look at the signs. A child who is ready to participate in preschool will have the physical, emotional, and cognitive development to begin the program. Here's what to look for.


Is your child fully potty trained? The preschool will typically require this, and if your three-year-old is no longer in training pants and can use the bathroom on his or her own, this may be a good sign that he is independent enough for preschool. Also, if your child requires no assistance in zipping a sweater or putting on a jacket or coat, this is another good indicator that it may be time to enroll.

2. YOUR LITTLE ONE HAS EXPRESSED AN INTEREST IN SCHOOL Has your toddler begun to emulate an older sibling who goes to school? Does he or she ask questions or show interest in wanting to go to school? If so, it may be time to think about a preschool program.

3. HE OR SHE ADEQUATE PHYSICAL ABILITY AND FORTITUDE Does your child have the stamina to go several hours without becoming fussy, cranky and needing a nap? Children in preschool require a bit of staying power and endurance. There will be plenty of activity before nap time. If your little one has the endurance and stamina, this is a positive sign. Also, if your child is generally in good physical health, he or she may be ready to begin classes.

4. YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER HAS DAIRLY GOOD LANGUAGE SKILLS Has your child developed a good grasp of the English language? Preschool readiness means being able to communicate needs in a direct way, and this means speaking clearly with good language comprehension and skills. If your child has a good concept of the language, he or she will be able to understand instruction and take basic orders and direction. The preschooler will also be able to express his or her needs and feelings more clearly.

5. HE OR SHE CAN USE A PENCIL, MARKER, OR CRAYON Preschool readiness means they're accustomed to using some type of drawing or writing implements. Is he or she able to use a pencil, crayon or marker? This will help as preschool begins.

6. YOUR CHILD MAKES FRIENDS EASILY Besides siblings, has your child had a fair amount of social interaction with other kids of the same age? In preschool, your child will be interacting and joining group activities during sessions. It helps if he or she has had some type of interaction beforehand. If your boy or girl has played with other children in the park or had play dates with other kids, it will help the adjustment when he or she begins preschool. By the same token, how well does your child get along with others of the same age? Does he or she understand how to share and take turns? If so, this is a good sign of being ready for preschool.

7. YOUR CHILD IS ATTENTIVE AND FOCUSED WELL Preschool readiness also means being able to concentrate on one subject matter at a time, without letting one's mind wander too much. Does your child stick to one activity for more than a few minutes at a time? With a good attention span and concentration, your child is more likely to learn quickly.

8. HE OR SHE EXHIBITS NO "SEPARATION ANXIETY" WHEN YOU'RE AWAY Has your little one been separated from you during the day? If your toddler is not used to being separated from you for more than 20 minutes at a time, he or she may need some more time to adjust. However, if you've engaged in babysitters regularly and your child does not make a fuss about you being away for a while, it's a good indicator he'll have an easier time adjusting to preschool.

For enrollment information, speak with a preschool representative and get the ball rolling today.

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