We have provided exceptional Early Childhood programming to Madison area children for 25 years. Our mission to cultivate compassionate leaders is realized through dedicated professional teachers, a robust curriculum, and outstanding enrichment programs conducted on our beautiful ten-acre campus.
A key to HHA’s enduring success has been our dedication to excellent pre-academic and academic classroom curriculums and to exceptional enrichment programs, including science and nature studies, percussion music, strings music program, culinary class, organic gardening, physical education, Spanish, Mandarin, integrated arts, after school club, and more. We weave together foundation and enrichment learning experiences to expand upon concepts in various settings, such as art lessons to coordinate with nature study and classroom activities; and literature experiences incorporated within gardening class activities. Integrating learning helps to greatly broaden children’s understanding and retention of concepts.
Our Mission
Hickory Hill Academy cultivates children’s growth in a stimulating and compassionate environment. Our supportive teachers engage the curiosities and needs of each child, fostering self-esteem, the confidence needed to benefit from our robust academic programs, and the interest to embark on a journey of life-long learning. Our focus on empathy, character, and individual well-being encourages our children to envision how they will serve their community beyond the expanse of our campus.

Life-Long Skills Modeled and Practiced
Our Early Childhood students enjoy a variety of play-based activities in rich learning environments. Lessons are based on Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, but greater teacher ratios and small group learning activities allow for more individualized instruction. Quality educational experiences urge our older children toward the development of higher level thinking skills in oral and print literacy, science/nature, math, social learning, PE, nutrition, health, and safety areas so important to their life long success as learners. Advanced curricular options are available to meet unique learning styles and diverse growth rates during children’s journeys at HHA.
Compassionate Social-Emotionally
Supported Environment
Charming, calming atmosphere.
Positive reinforcement to build self-confidence.
Research-based and developmentally-appropriate curriculum from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence that focuses on fostering, nurturing, and promoting emotional intelligence and character development.
Acquiring strategies to support learning and using the five skills for emotional intelligence through RULER curriculum.
Children learn social, emotional, and development skills through a direct approach that spans from early childhood to middle school.
Supportive and Caring Teachers
4-year college degrees in Education.
Compassionate, competent, and caring.
Optimal group size builds trust and fosters strong development.
Strong student, teacher, parent relationships
A Love for Learning Through Rich Academic Programming
Developmentally appropriate activities are woven into weekly lesson plans for language arts, emerging literacy, math, science/nature, music, and art.
Individual, as well as small and large group activities, planned to meet developmental needs of children.
Enrichment programs such as strings program using the Suzuki method, science/nature, gardening, and physical education.
Daily exploration around our 10-acre campus learning environments in our nature center, forest, gardens, animal pastures, campground, age-specific playgrounds, sports court, and golf green.
Strong Community Values
It "takes a village"to raise our children and we offer a variety of opportunities to get connected with monthly events, volunteer opportunities, family friendships, and the HHA Advisory Committee.
Teachers partner with parents to develop individual plans for sleeping, eating, and playtime.
Parents are informed daily of important information such as naps, feeding, and diapering.
Student Services Provided Supports
Hickory Hill Academy provides the following supports for all students:
High-Quality, Relevant, Outcome-based Curriculum
Instruction by qualified teachers and specialists qualified in their subject area
Evidence-Based Assessment and Progress Monitoring
ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE Screenings, Recommended Activities for Families, School-Based Interventions
Universal Design for Learning - delivering educational services that are accessible and meet the needs of diverse learners. Tangible supports may include flexible seating, graphic organizers, chair bands, noise-canceling headphones, and monitored use of fidgets. Fidgets must be approved by SST.
Please note that gum or candy is not allowed as an accommodation or support.
RULER: Social-Emotional Curriculum implemented daily.
Small group instruction or Centers offered in all subject areas.
Appropriate child-teacher ratios maintained in all learning environments.
Engaging resources, tools, and classrooms.
Opportunities for Family-Teacher Conferences to share progress and celebrate success.
Focused Portfolios (ECE) to showcase student development using WMELs/NAEYC standards.
Progress Reports and Report Cards (LS/MS) to showcase student development using HHA’s rigorous learning standards as a framework.
Personal Care support (toileting) up to 4K. All children in K-8 must be toilet trained and independently perform personal care tasks.